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Autoren / Herausgeber
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- Die Region Mittlerer Oberrhein in historischen Karten
- Oberacker, Ira
- Oberhauser, Robert
- Oberländer, Lea
- Oberschmidt, Norbert
- Oberweis, Michael
- Ockert, Wolfgang
- Odenwald, Jakob
- Odenwald, Rolf
- Oeben, Stephanie
- Oelke, Dieter
- Oellermann, Sonja
- Oelschlägel, Carola
- Oelschläger, Reinhard
- Oelschläger, Ulrich
- Oesterle, Jürgen
- Oesterreich, Carmen
- Oesterreich, Volker
- Of, Hans-Joachim
- Öfner, Gerhard
- Ogawa, Tomo
- Ohler, Norbert
- Ohm, Matthias
- Ohmer, Anja
- Ohnemus, Erwin
- Ohngemach, Anne
- Ohr, Karlfriedrich
- Olbrich, Horst
- Oppermann, Rainer
- Orlamünder, Harald
- Osmond, Thomas
- Osnabrügge, Jonas
- Osswald, Franz
- Osswald, Hans-Ulrich
- Ost, Nadja
- Oster, Uwe A.
- Östermann, Brigitte
- Östringen, Stadt
- Oswald, Rolf
- Otruba, Marianne
- Ott, Jürgen
- Otte, Jan Thomas
- Ottmann, Anton
- Otto, Gernot
- Overdick, Michael
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- Aktuelles
High Nature Value Farming in Europe
ISBN 978-3-89735-657-3
49,80 €*
High Nature Value (HNV) farming is inherently valuable for biodiversity and forms a living cultural and natural heritage. HNV farmland comprises semi-natural pastures, meadows and orchards, as well as species-rich arable land, and often retains a wealth of landscape features. HNV farming is present in all European countries, with a diversity of types and extent. Apart from being the cornerstone of European farmland biodiversity, these types of farming provide a multitude of other services for society, including sustainable rural economies, and the rich social fabric and character of Europe’s landscapes. The environmental, socio-cultural and territorial significance of HNV farming is increasingly recognised, but greater awareness is needed amongst policy makers and the wider public. This book presents an overview of HNV farming across 35 European countries, describing the main characteristics and presenting examples of farming systems, farms and farmers. Beside the country chapters there are thematic chapters looking at a range of issues of farming, nature, economy and policy. Thus the book gives insight to a very broad subject affecting not only farmers, conservationists and policy makers, but also all people interested in the diversity of European landscapes.
In englischer Sprache.Hrsg. von Rainer Oppermann und Guy Beaufoy. Ca. 400 S. mit ca. 250 farbigen Abb., fester Einband. ISBN 978-3-89735-657-3. 49,80 EUR
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Artenreiches Grünland in der Kulturlandschaft
ISBN 978-3-89735-583-5
29,80 €*
Naturschutz-Spectrum. Themen. Bd. 97
Hrsg. von der Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg (LUBW).
Autoren: Karl-Friedrich Schreiber, Hans-Jörg Brauckmann, Gabriele Broll, Stephan Krebs, Peter Poschlod
Mit Beiträgen von: Gottfried Briemle, Rainer Oppermann, Ulrich Thumm, Christine Fabricius, Bettina Tonn, Kirsten Mitlacher, Christine Römermann, Markus Bernhardt-Römermann, André Baumann, Tanja Donaubauer, Ulf Freisinger, John Hoffmann, Petr Karlik, Eva Sittig, Jerzy Suda
424 S. mit 381 farbigen Abb. und Karten, fester Einband, incl. CD-ROM.
ISBN 978-3-89735-583-5. EUR 29,80.