Fascinating Wertheim
From Cobblestones to the Universe. A historical guide through the Old Town.
The Main and Tauber rivers encircle the old town of Wertheim like a peninsula, crowned by the castle hill with its fortress sitting high above the city; it is one of the biggest castle ruins in Southern Germany. Untouched by war, this lovely town with its medieval flair presents itself proudly to visitors from all over the globe. At every corner there is evidence of former wealth, but also of the not always honorable past. Narrow alleys lead the visitors to beautiful half-timbered houses, shops with a long tradition and lively squares in which to take a rest. On the edges of town international industry has taken up residence. Some of these companies are market leaders worldwide and even supply parts for the international space station (ISS).
The author invites you to take a short tour around town with him. Let yourself be guided, let the sights impress you and listen to the stories about this fascinating Frankonian town at the crossroads of the Nibelungen Road, the Romantic Road and the German Road of half-timbered houses – it’s also a certified health resort!
Günther E. Ascher, Fascinating Wertheim. From Cobblestones to the Universe. A historical guide through the Old town.
72 p. with 91 coloured pictures, paperback.
ISBN 978-3-89735-963-5. EUR 9,90.