Obstetrics unplugged
Manual for Conditions of Limited Resources
48,00 €*
inkl. gesetzl. Mehrwertsteuer
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ISBN: 978-3-89735-365-2
Format/Bindung: 24 x 17 cm, Broschur
Erscheinungsdatum: 05.02.2020
48,00 €* inkl. gesetzl. Mehrwertsteuer
Nicht mehr verfügbar
Format/Bindung: 24 x 17 cm, Broschur
Erscheinungsdatum: 05.02.2020
(2nd revised edition)
Most textbooks take the medical standard of the industrialised world with its lavish technical equipment for granted. Obstetrics unplugged is different! It concentrates on the limited conditions of the developing countries. It thus addresses doctors and midwives working in such countries or preparing to work there.
Obstetricians in developed countries will benefit from this book as well because it contains a wealth of useful tips and tricks which – in view of the easy availability of ultrasound and caesarean section – are in danger of being forgotten.
Your advantages:
- Worldwide use: written in English, the international language of obstetrics, and fitted with a multilingual glossary of obstetric terminology, Obstetrics unplugged provides a great opportunity to get acquainted with medical English.
- Detailed information: The book gives detailed descriptions of obstetric examinations, laboratory methods and classical obstetric interventions. It also features step-by-step descriptions of new and alternative surgical methods.
- Complete coverage: special chapters deal with anaemia and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, pregnancy and AIDS, and the treatment of tropical infections during pregnancy. One special chapter is dedicated to the care of the newborn.
- Guaranteed competence: the editors and authors are experienced obstetricians and midwives or specialists in related fields from Germany, Egypt, Guinea, Burkina Faso, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, UK, Norway and South Africa.
Hrsg. von J. Wacker, M. Baldé und G. Bastert.
224 S. mit 75 Abb. und 29 Tab., Broschur.
ISBN 3-89735-365-2. Euro 48,-
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